Every Child Deserves A Chance to Play Baseball!
It's been a great Fall season for the MML! Registration for the Spring, 2025 season is open! Click on the baseball above to register.
Please join us in thanking our Mauldin Miracle League partners below. These generous companies, organizations and individuals are the driving force that makes this baseball league possible. We sincerely appreciate their dedication in helping us fulfill our mission: "Every Child Deserves a Chance to Play Baseball."
The Barbara Stone Foundation/Greenville CAN
Greenville and Mauldin Civitans
The Greenville Drive
Greenville Eastside Kiwanis
Mauldin Fire and Rescue
Mauldin Rec and the City of Mauldin
Mauldin Rotary
Rotary Club of the Reedy River Greenville
And a special thanks to our individual donors and our wonderful volunteer Coaches, Team Parents, League Volunteers and Board Members. None of this would be possible without you!
If we were to tell you about an organized youth baseball league...you might call it ordinary.
If we were to tell you the athletes have physical & developmental challenges... you might call it touching.
If you were to see them play...you would call it A MIRACLE!
All games are played at Sunset Park on Fowler Circle in Mauldin.
We Need Your Support
Please remember the Mauldin Miracle League for your tax deductible charitable donations. We're an all volunteer organization and typically over 90% of all donations go directly to benefit the children. We thank you for your generous support.
MML operates solely on donations from both private and public parties.
Please make checks payable to:
Mauldin Miracle League
4 Teaberry Court, Greer, SC 29651
Mauldin Miracle League is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.
Contact: Jeff Powers (864) 303-2362 or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Rainout Lines
On days with questionable weather, be sure to call the Rain Out Line at (864) 432-8815.